Let us pray with us and for us:
God, our Father, You willed that your redemptive love would be brought to America. Help us to be grateful to You for the glorious history of our Congregation and to look to the future with hope trusting that we are in your hands. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
➢ Lord Jesus, through your shepherd of souls, Father Kovats, you called our Sisters from Hungary to America. Give us the grace to carefully listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and walk faithfully toward the goal in trust with our eyes fixed on You.
➢ Lord Jesus, may we always remember the history of our Congregation with gratitude and appreciate the work our Sisters have done before us.
➢ Lord Jesus, bless our Congregation with new members and help us to exercise our charism, new initiatives, and apostolic charity for your great honor and glory.
➢ God, our Father, You willed to develop our Congregation by establishing the American Province. You led the first Sisters to seek your will and to speak about You to those entrusted to them, so that everyone could taste your goodness. Help us to continue in our mission according to your will.
➢ Lord Jesus Christ, the first Sisters of the American Province took up your mission, worked and suffered with you in the spreading of your Kingdom and joyfully served to God and neighbors. We ask you for constancy and perseverance, so that we will have the strength to walk forward every day and be a sign of your presence in this world.
➢ Holy Spirit, guide and sustain us, both in our personal spiritual journeys and in our lives of communion and apostolic work.
"Deo Gracias" for all graces our Congregation received throughout these hundred years.