Two of the most outstanding accomplishments of this saintly Pope were the inauguration of the liturgical renewal and the restoration of frequent Communion from childhood. He also waged an unwavering war against the heresy and evils of Modernism, gave great impetus to Biblical studies, and brought about the codification of Canon Law. His overriding concern was to renew all things in Christ.
Above all, St. Pius X’s holiness shone forth conspicuously. From him we learn again that “the folly of the Cross”, simplicity of life, and humility of heart are still the highest wisdom and the indispensable conditions of a perfect Christian life, for they are the very source of all apostolic fruitfulness.
The Saint’s last will and testament bears the striking sentence: “I was born poor, I have lived in poverty, and I wish to die poor.”
PRAYER: God, to preserve the Catholic faith and renew all things in Christ, You filled Pope St. Pius with heavenly wisdom and apostolic fortitude. Grant that we may follow his direction and example and be rewarded with eternal life with You. Amen.