The road along which the Foundress as general superior had to walk resembled a way of the cross. Her indefatigable labors met again and again with afflictions and sufferings of soul and body.
Countless visitors came to her for counsel and help.
Then, one thinks of the total administration of the order, of the financial cares, of all the correspondence, of the hours of instruction that she gave the sisters, of the spiritual exercises or retreats to which the sisters were called together, of the long journeys to new stations that she undertook, some, at a considerable distance, nor may we forget the malicious attacks against the Foundress personally and against her work. To say nothing of the disappointments she suffered when the foundations in Vienna, Sopron (Hungary) and Wurzburg irrevocably severed themselves from the Motherhouse. All these trials preyed upon and consumed the physical strength of the Foundress, but imparted the ultimate radiance to her soul.

On Ju1y 21, 1867, the Foundress suffered a stroke. She died on Ju1y 31, 1867 and was laid to rest in the convent cemetery in Niederbronn on August 2, 1867.
Mother Alphonse Marie was beatified on September 9, 2018, by his Eminence Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.