Sixtus III enlarged and consecrated it under the title of the Virgin Mary about the year 435. The principal facade was added in 1741 by Benedict XIV. It bears the title of St.Mary Major, or the Greater, because it is in dignity, if not in antiquity, the first church in Rome among those dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. From the fact that the holy crib of Bethlehem is preserved in this church, it also bears the title of Sancta Maria ad Praesepe (at the Crib). St. Mary Major is one of the three patriarchal churches in which the Pope officiates on certain occasions, and in which there is an altar reserved only for him, St. Peter's and St. John Lateran being the others.
PRAYER: Forgive the sins of your people. May we who cannot please You by our unaided efforts attain salvation through the intercession of the Mother of Your Son. Amen.