Benedict returned to Rome a few more times to study the various religious disciplines and collect books and pictures of the Saints. After serving under Theodore and Adrian, he was given a grant by the King of Northumberland and built the famous monastery of Weremouth, bringing over from France stonemasons and glaziers to construct it according to the Roman models he had seen. He also built another monastery six miles away at Jarrow, and ruled both since they were regarded as one.
In his zeal to make his monastery as close to the Roman models as possible, Benedict prevailed upon Pope Agatho to let him take back to England the precentor of St. Peter’s in Rome to teach the monks Gregorian Chant. After suffering from severe illness for three years, this holy and zealous worker of God died in January, 690.
PRAYER: Lord, amid the things of this world, let us be wholeheartedly committed to heavenly things in imitation of the example of evangelical perfection You have given us in St. Benedict the Abbot. Amen.