Sts. Joachim and Anne, both of the tribe of Judah of the royal house of David, are venerated by the Church as the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary who was probably their only child. The other Mary mentioned in the Gospels as the sister of the Mother of God was, it is believed, her cousin; for this was a customary way of designating relatives in the East.
St. Anne has been honored from early Christian times. Churches were dedicated to her honor, and the Fathers, especially of the Eastern Churches, loved to speak of her sanctity and privileges. She is often represented as teaching her little daughter to read the Scriptures.
St. Joachim has been honored from time immemorial in the Churches of the East, and since the 6th century public devotion to him has been observed in all countries. However, as in the case of St. Anne, the Gospel tells us nothing about his life.
Tradition, grounded on very old testimonies, inform us that Sts. Joachim and Anne in their old age came from Galilee to settle in Jerusalem, and there the Blessed Mother of God was born and reared; there also they died and were buried. A church was built during the 4th century, possibly by St. Helena, on the site of the home of Sts. Joachim and Anne in Jerusalem.
PRAYER: Lord, God of our fathers, through Sts. Joachim and Anne You gave us the Mother of Your Incarnate Son. May their prayers help us to attain the salvation You promised to Your people. Amen.