St. Landericus became increasingly aware that the sick poor of his diocese were not really cared for by custom then in vogue of housing them in little hostels dependent on the causal alms of charitable persons. This led him to erect the city’s first real hospital, dedicated to St. Christopher, which in time became the famous Hotel-Dieu.
Always on the alert to provide spiritual help for his people, this saintly Bishop welcomed the Benedictines into his diocese and encouraged them to set up the Abbey of St. Denis. In 653, in company with twenty-three other Bishops, he signed the foundation charter granted by King Clovis to the Abbey. He died about 656, after having commissioned the monk Marculfus to compile a collection of Ecclesiastical Formulas.
PRAYER: God, You made St. Landericus an outstanding exemplar of Divine love and the Faith that conquers the world, and added him to the roll of saintly pastors. Grand by his intercession that we may persevere in Faith and love, and become shares of his glory. Amen.