At the end of their common meal St. Guy asked to become a member of the followers of the Seraphic Saint. When told that he would have to abandon everything, rising from the table, he immediately arranged for the sale of his possessions; then together with his guests distributed all of his proceeds as alm. He became a Franciscan and occupied a small cell on a bridge over a stream.
Since he was a well-educated man, he was ordained to the priesthood. He showed great holiness, powerful eloquence, and extraordinary gifts to his people. He performed miracles – one of which was raising back to life, a girl who had drowned. He died at the age of 60 about 1245, after receiving a vision of St. Francis coming once again to Cortona, this time to lead him to paradise!
PRAYER: Lord God, You alone are holy and no one is good without You. Through the intercession of St. Guy help us to live in such a way that we may not be deprived of a shame in Your glory. Amen.