St. Medard was born at Salency in Picardy, about the year 457. Under the care of his pious parents he made rapid strides in virtue, evincing particularly a great charity for the poor. At thirty-three years of age he was ordained to the priesthood and became a bright ornament of that holy state, preaching to the people by both word and example.
In 530, Medard became Bishop of Augusta Verumanduorum, being consecrated by St. Remigius, who had baptized King Clovis in 496. Though he was then seventy-two years old, he redoubled his labors, extending his zeal wherever the honor of God seemed to require it. He bore persecutions in silence and with patience. Though he had the affliction of beholding his diocese ravaged by the Huns and Vandals, it gave him a fresh opportunity to practice charity.
In 544, Radegondes, Queen of France, received the religious veil from the Saint’s hands, and she was made a deaconess with the consent of her husband, King Clotaire, who, doing penance for the sins of his youth, allowed himself to be guided by the counsels of St. Medard. The holy man died in 561, and the whole kingdom lamented his loss. A celebrated Benedictine abbey afterward arose over his tomb at Soissons.
PRAYER: God, Light and Shepherd of souls, You established St. Medard as Bishop in Your Church to feed Your flock by his word and form it by his example. Help us through his intercession to keep the Faith he taught by his word and follow the way he showed by his example. Amen.