Gaudentius was a powerful preacher and ten of his twenty-one Sermons have survived, offering ample testimony to this fact. He governed his See with prudence and humility, inspiring his flock to imitate the Divine Master constantly.
In 405, the Saint was sent with two others by Pope innocent I and the Emperor Honorius to the East to defend St. John Chrysostom before Arcadius. However, the party was prevented from reaching Arcadius and never formally interceded for John; the tree men were shipped back home on a vessel so unseaworthy that it almost sank and had to be left at Lampsacus. Subsequently, st. John wrote St. Gaudentius a letter of thanks for his efforts even though they had not borne fruit. This saintly man died about 410 and was called by Rufinus: “the glory of the Doctors of the age in which he lives”.
PRAYER: God, Light and Shepherd of souls, You established St. Gaudentius as Bishop in Your Church to feed Your flock by his word and form it by his example. Help us through his intercession to keep the faith he thought by his word and follow the way he showed by his example. Amen.