St. Bruno, the founder of the illustrious Carthusian Order, was born at Cologne about the year 1033, and educated under the eyes of St. Cunibert, Bishop of that city. He became Canon of the Cathedral, but afterward went to France to continue his studies at Rheims. He was ordained about 1056 and taught Theology at Rheims for twenty years. His abilities so impressed Gervasius, Archbishop of that city, that he shared with him the government of his diocese.
After the death of Gervasius, Manasses, the simoniacal intruder into the See, was deposed and all eyes turned to St. Bruno, but he positively refused the archiepiscopal dignity, and determined to put into execution a project of retreat he had some time before conceived. Together with ten friends, he presented himself to St. Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble, to ask his advice. The holy Bishop pointed out to them the desert of Chartreuse as their abode. There they went and there they began to imitate the lives of the early solitaries, laying the foundations of the Carthusian Order, the mother house of which still exists upon the very same spot.
After spending six years in this retreat, St. Bruno was summoned to Rome by Pope Urban II, who had been his pupil at Rheims. He spent some time at Rome, but having succeeded in obtaining leave to retire, he went to Calabria, where he founded a second monastery. Here the Saint spent the remainder of his life. He died at the Monastery of La Torre on October 6, 1101.
PRAYER: God, You called St. Bruno to serve You in solitude. Through his intercession, grant that amidst the many affairs of this world we may always have time for You. Amen.