In this almost totally idolatrous region, these holy missionary monks founded a monastery that came to be called St. Mommolin after its first Abbot. After eight more arduous years of preaching the faith for Christ, they founded a second monastery at Sithiu dedicated to St. Peter. St. Bertin ruled it for nearly sixty years and made it famous; accordingly, after his death it was called St. Bertin and gave birth to the town of St. Omer.
St. Bertin practiced the greatest austerities and was in constant communion with God. He also traveled much and trained disciples who went forth to preach the faith to others. Among others, he selected St. Winnoc to found a monastery at Wormhoundt, near Dunkirk, and this Saint figures in many medieval English calendars. About the year 698, this zealous preacher of Christ died, surrounded by his monks.
PRAYER: God, You built up Your Church by means of the religious zeal and apostolic care of St. Bertin. Grant by his intercession that she may ever experience a new increase of faith and holiness. Amen