O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine!
Jesus, my Lord and God, I bow down in humble adoration before You. From the depths of that humility, I raise my eyes to You and, in humble supplication to Your Sacred Heart, implore Your mercy and forgiveness for my many sins. Give me the grace to spend this hour of loving reparation with all the holy dispositions You desire. Mary, dearest Mother, lend me all the love of your heart to love Jesus more and more.

We come to You, tonight, on the eve of the Feast of Your Presentation in the Temple, asking for Your Spirit. Send us the Holy Spirit, Who was with the righteous and devout man Simeon. He came with the Spirit into the temple when Your parents brought You there, as a forty-days-old Child. We also come to pray with faith in Your presence in the Eucharist. Grant us the grace of prayer, which will change and make us persons according to Your will, persons You want us to be.
Fill us with Your Spirit of prayer, so our faith and love for You will grow. Fill us with Your Spirit of prayer, so Your light and wisdom will lead us everywhere always, and accompany us in Your peace. Help us to see as You see, love as You love and understand as You understand. May Your Spirit fill us that we may be able to speak Your word, to bear our crosses as You did, to fulfill Your mission and to remain in Your love.
Reading Lk 2:22-40

Simeon took You into his arms, praised God, blessed Your parents, and foretold your suffering. We can do the same every day with Your grace: embrace You when we receive You in the Holy Eucharist and praise God for the graces we receive. We can bless every moment of our life and all people. By prayer and silent suffering we can bring Your peace to the world.
Besides Simeon, Anna, a prophetess, was also in the temple. She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day. She was advanced in years, as are most of us, but our hearts are still young with desire for happiness, for love, for You… You called us into Your service many years ago when we were young, full of strength, enthusiasm, and zeal. Now, our strength is weak and difficulties mist our enthusiasm. However, we are still called to be in Your service, our Redeemer. Like Anna, we can worship You, give You thanks, and speak about You, our Redeemer, by our words and lives.
Dear Jesus,
Our Foundress, MAM often met You in Eucharistic Adoration. She opened her heart before You in every happiness and in every difficulties. According to her example help us to be united with You. Make our hearts burn with faith and love for You, present in the Eucharist.
Now, dear Jesus, listen to me, I want to open my heart to You. Listen to me, my Lord, my God, and my Bridegroom. I won’t to talk to You with my mouth but from my heart. You understand this very well… (Silent Adoration)
Hymn: You Have Called Us
Dear Jesus, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank You
For the gift of life R: Thank You, Lord
For the grace of Baptism
For our Faith
For calling us to your service
For Your soft voice
For Your silence
For Your word
For Your guidance
For Your presence with us
For Your closeness
For Your fidelity
For the grace You give us
For strength in the Sacraments
For joy, happiness and zeal
For strength in our weakness, failure, and difficulties
For the witness of the Consecrated Life
For zealous laity
For Christian families
For Your abundant blessings
Dear Jesus, our hearts are restless R: Because You have called us
We are seekers and full of questions
We are called
We are precious in Your eyes
You think of us always
You invite us
You accompany us
You count on us
You chose us
You give us Your grace
You ask us
We are Your disciples
We are Your followers
We are Your friends
We want to talk to You
We want to be close to You
We are looking for You
We want to live with You
We want to follow You
We want to walk with you
We want to learn from You
Lord Jesus, we ask you for New Vocations R: Lord, hear our prayer!
For good collaborators in pastoral vocations ministry
For Christian parents and families
For young people to be open to the call of God
For good vocations to religious communities
For religious teachers and educators
For a good spirit in our communities and parishes
For a good atmosphere and confidence in our Church
For the spirit of prayer
For an increase the number of vocations
For renewal of the spirit of the Church, countries and nations
For a courageous witness for those who are called
For the living Faith
For patience and confidence
For joy and faithfulness in our vocation
Prayer for Vocations:
Jesus, High Priest and Redeemer forever, we beg you to call young men and women to your service, as priests and religious. May they be inspired by the lives of dedicated priests, brothers and sisters. Give to parents the grace of generosity and trust toward you and their child so that their sons and daughters may be helped to choose their vocation in life with wisdom and freedom.
O God, you have called us to salvation and have sent your Son to establish the Church for this purpose, and you have provided the sacred ministers. The harvest is ever ready but the laborers are scarce. Inspire our youth to follow Jesus by serving Your People. Amen.
(Source: http://www.usccb.org/prayers-for-vocations.cfm)