Daytime Prayer


Ant. 1 Do the things you have learned, and you will be blessed.

Psalm 119:137-144
XVIII (Sade)

A mediation on God’s law

Loving God means keeping his commandments (1 John 5:3).

Lord, you are just indeed; *
your decrees are right.
You have imposed your will with justice *
and with absolute truth.

I am carried away by anger *
for my foes forget your word.
Your promise is tried in the fire, *
the delight of your servant.

Although I am weak and despised, *
I remember your precepts.
Your justice is eternal justice *
and your law is truth.

Though anguish and distress have seized me, *
I delight in your commands.
The justice of your will is eternal: *
if you teach me, I shall live.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

You are just indeed, Lord, and your commandments are eternal. Teach us to love you with all our hearts and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Ant. Do the things you have learned, and you will be blessed.

Ant. 2 Let my prayer rise up before you, O Lord.

Psalm 88
Prayer of a person who is gravely ill

This is your moment—when darkness reigns (Luke 22:53).


Lord my God, I call for help by day; *
I cry at night before you.
Let my prayer come into your presence. *
O turn your ear to my cry.

For my soul is filled with evils; *
my life is on the brink of the grave.
I am reckoned as one in the tomb: *
I have reached the end of my strength,

like one alone among the dead; *
like the slain lying in their graves;
like those you remember no more, *
cut off, as they are, from your hand.

You have laid me in the depths of the tomb, *
in places that are dark, in the depths.
Your anger weighs down upon me: *
I am drowned beneath your waves.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Let my prayer rise up before you, O Lord.

Ant. 3 I cry to you, O Lord; do not hide your face from me.


You have taken away my friends *
and made me hateful in their sight.
Imprisoned, I cannot escape; *
my eyes are sunken with grief.

I call to you, Lord, all the day long; *
to you I stretch out my hands.
Will you work your wonders for the dead? *
Will the shades stand and praise you?

Will your love be told in the grave *
or your faithfulness among the dead?
Will your wonders be known in the dark *
or your justice in the land of oblivion?

As for me, Lord, I call to you for help: *
in the morning my prayer comes before you.
Lord, why do you reject me? *
Why do you hide your face?

Wretched, close to death from my youth, *
I have borne your trials; I am numb.
Your fury has swept down upon me; *
your terrors have utterly destroyed me.

They surround me all the day like a flood, *
they assail me all together.
Friend and neighbor you have taken away: *
my one companion is darkness.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Lord Jesus, redeemer of all and author of our salvation, for us you went down to the realm of death and became free of death. Hear the prayers of your family and lift us from our slavery to evil, that we may be redeemed by you and see your Father’s glory.

Ant. I cry to you, O Lord; do not hide your face from me.

Deuteronomy 30:11, 14

This command which I enjoin on you today is not too mysterious and remote to you. No, it is something very near to you, already in your mouths and in your hearts; you have only to carry it out.

Your word, O Lord, as a lantern guides my steps.
– And lights up my pathway before me.


God, the Father of mercy, you gave Blessed Alphonse Marie the strength to participate in the work of the Redemption through serving those who suffer. Grant us the grace that through her intercession we may be transformed by the love of Christ the Redeemer and our lives may be a witness of your great love before all people. Through Christ, our Lord.
We Remember
Merciful Jesus, grant them eternal rest.
10Sister M. Charitas Sebo 1998
14Sister M. Alferia Szabo 1967
14Sister M. Benigna Kulcsar 1982
14Sister M. Louise Paul 2005
16Sister M. Floriella Lang 2010
17Sister M. Immaculata Beres 1982
22Sister M. Gemma Szilagyi 2003
23Sister M. Conrada Nagy 2004
24Sister M. Gallertine Lang 1999
26Sister M. Christine Kiss 1992

Mass Schedule:
7:30 AMMonday:
7:30 AMTuesday:
7:30 AMWednesday:
7:30 AMThursday:
7:30 AMFriday:
8:00 AMSaturday:
8:00 AMSunday:
8:00 AMHolidays:
Holy Hour - Adoration:
Thursday before First Friday: 7:00 - 8:00 PM