Week of Prayer for Vocations


God does not like to reveal Himself in a spectacular way, pressuring our freedom. He conveys His plans to us with gentleness. He does not overwhelm us with dazzling visions, but quietly speaks in the depths of our heart. 

Do you hear His voice? What does He tell you?

Joseph made no news in his own time, yet has inspired the daily lives of countless fathers, labourers and Christians ever since. For a vocation – like life itself – matures only through daily fidelity.

Do you live your daily duties faithfully?

The first words that Saint Joseph heard in a dream were an invitation not to be afraid, because God remains ever faithful to His promises: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid” (Mt 1:20). Do not be afraid: these words the Lord also addresses to you, dear sister, and to you, dear brother, whenever you feel that, even amid uncertainty and hesitation, you can no longer delay your desire to give your life to Him.

What are you afraid of? What does prevent you from saying definitely "yes" to Him?

After each dream, Joseph had to change his plans and take a risk, sacrificing his own plans in order to follow the mysterious designs of God, whom he trusted completely.

Do you trust God? Does He change your plans?

God’s call always urges us to take a first step, to give ourselves, to press forward. Only by abandoning ourselves confidently to grace, setting aside our own programmes and comforts, we can truly say “yes” to God.

Would you like to completely dedicate your life to God?

This everyday fidelity is the secret of joy. I pray that you will experience this same joy, dear brothers and sisters who have generously made God the dream of your lives.

Where do you discover your joy? 

Love gives meaning to life, because it reveals life’s mystery. Indeed, we only have life if we give it; we truly possess it only if we generously give it away.

What is the meaning of your life?


Mary Most Holy, the Mother of our Savior, had the courage to embrace this ideal, placing her youth and her enthusiasm in God’s hands. Through her intercession, may we be granted that same openness of heart, that same readiness to respond, “Here I am”, to the Lord’s call, and that same joy in setting out (cf. Lk 1:39), like her, to proclaim him to the whole world.
We ask the Lord to grant to all those who are on a vocational journey a deep sense of belonging to the Church; and that the Holy Spirit may strengthen among Pastors, and all of the faithful, a deeper sense of communion, discernment and spiritual fatherhood and motherhood.

Father of Mercy, who gave your Son for our salvation and who strengthens us always with the gifts of your Spirit, grant us Christian communities which are alive, fervent and joyous, which are fonts of fraternal life, and which nurture in the young the desire to consecrate themselves to you and to the work of evangelization. Sustain these communities in their commitment to offer appropriate vocational catechesis and ways of proceeding towards each one’s particular consecration.

Grant the wisdom needed for vocational discernment, so that in all things the greatness of your merciful love may shine forth. May Mary, Mother and guide of Jesus, intercede for each Christian community, so that, made fruitful by the Holy Spirit, it may be a source of true vocations for the service of the holy People of God. Amen.


Prayer must have a very important place in the Vocation Promotion. The Lord says it clearly: “pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38). Prayer constitutes the first and irreplaceable service that we can offer to the cause of vocations. Given that a vocation is always a gift of God, the vocational call and the response to this vocation can only resonate and make itself felt in prayer, without it being understood as an easy recourse to be aloof to work in the evangelization of young people so that they open themselves to the Lord’s call. To pray for vocations implies, in the first place, to pray and work for fidelity in one’s own vocation; to create environments where it is possible to hear the Lord’s call’ to set out to proclaim the “Gospel of vocation, to promote them and cause them.


 by Pedro Casaldálig

You duped me, O Lord, and I let myself be duped as soon as in the circle of my family I learned, in a babbling way, to say Your Name.
You duped me, O Lord, and I let myself be duped in every new calling which brought me to a broken sea.
You duped me, O Lord, and I let myself be duped after the horizon of midday, after the threshold of death.
You duped me, O Lord, and I let myself be duped in every face of the afflicted man in which I see Your crying Face.
You duped me, O Lord, and I let myself be duped and in an unequal fight You overcame me, O Lord, and the victory is Yours.
You duped me, O Lord; it was an unequal fight, yet, the victory is ours.

We Remember
Merciful Jesus, grant them eternal rest.
10Sister M. Charitas Sebo 1998
14Sister M. Alferia Szabo 1967
14Sister M. Benigna Kulcsar 1982
14Sister M. Louise Paul 2005
16Sister M. Floriella Lang 2010
17Sister M. Immaculata Beres 1982
22Sister M. Gemma Szilagyi 2003
23Sister M. Conrada Nagy 2004
24Sister M. Gallertine Lang 1999
26Sister M. Christine Kiss 1992

Mass Schedule:
7:30 AMMonday:
7:30 AMTuesday:
7:30 AMWednesday:
7:30 AMThursday:
7:30 AMFriday:
8:00 AMSaturday:
8:00 AMSunday:
8:00 AMHolidays:
Holy Hour - Adoration:
Thursday before First Friday: 7:00 - 8:00 PM