Therefore, every great work is the WORK OF THE RISEN LORD and HIS SPIRIT.
This faith and this knowledge have to be, for us Christians, a cause of JOY. With Mary Magdalene we are called to be witness of His resurrection and joyous messengers of the Redemption for people.
In the Spirit of "Holy Week" we have to understand our obligations and in the charism of “Holy week” we have to understand our Christian mission.
At the pinnacle of Jesus' life, we can clearly see the Spirit of our obligations. The Spirit of the greatest and highest love led Jesus to a voluntary devote His life. This is the Spirit of our obligations - out of love.
Jesus' pinnacle love for the Father is showed when He was abandoned by almost all people (save only Mary, women and John), and when He was abandoned by His Father and begged the people for mercy and forgiveness: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.“ This calls to mind the love of Jesus who conquered death and passed into eternal life in the glory of God and in His resurrection. Love is the sign of Easter and we have to be witnesses of these things in our own lives. This love will never cease.
The Spirit of this peak of love lives in Christ's obedience to the Father, which on the Mount of Olives was humanly difficult. Although His whole nature resisted, He did not hesitate to ask the Father: “Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, but not as I will, but as your will!" Only this supreme love for His father leads Him to cross paths with all who dishonored Him, but in order to remain obedient "unto death, even death on a cross". Because of His obedience to God, He exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every other name.
This is the school of our Master, through His suffering He leads us to the glory of Easter.