We have to own the virtue of F I D E L I T Y, even in the most difficult days, such as “Good Friday and Holy Saturday“. We can see that among the women who surround Mary is also Mother Alphonse Marie; she was also called to share in the suffering and Resurrection of our Redeemer. Think of the years of her disease and surprising “resurrection“ at the time of foundation of the Congregation and its rapid expansion, as the rapid expansion of the Church at Pentecost. We are also called to be among these women around Mary and Jesus. Here is our place! Let us give our life to the service of the Redemption of man with these women.
Here we know our first and important mission: as Christians we are called to assist in the redemption of the world and help release people from the power of sin. ”I came to destroy the work of Satan!“ This is work how to save people.
In this we are deeply united with Mary, the Mother of our Lord and of the Church, because the Church was born on the Cross from the pierced side of Jesus. Mary is a representative of the Church, and we, followers of Christ, we are signs of the Church.
As Christians, we should proclaim the G O S P E L not only to by mouth but also by witness of Him through exemplary life, because women around Jesus thoroughly lived the gospel of “Holy Week”; it was their vocation.
According the example of Mary, Mother of Jesus, we invited to unshakeable faith in the middle of difficulties. We try to acquire especially three Divine virtues - Mary lived them remarkably and uniquely. Are we aware that Mary needed great faith in “Holy week“? The unconditional trust that she had would not allow her to be confused about the Lord's promise that He gave her that He shall rise again! Mary got the CHARISM OF GREAT LOVE - in this love she goes to the cross and persevered under it until resurrection. With her, also persevere the women. Here we can find Christ and strength to suffer with people in the Church, carrying with them the CROSS, as Mary suffered with Jesus.
By this, we also raise the profile of Christ in the Church and in the world. We know that the power to do this can only be found in prayer and in meditation over the life of Christ and His mother. Let us try to have before our eyes always the living Christ.