POWER, from which Christians live, is the mystery Christ left His disciples on Holy Thursday. It is the EUCHARIST, in which the Paschal mystery lives on. Therefore, we should have a special relationship with the Eucharist. It is a source of strength and only from this source we can draw it. For it is the power of our crucified and risen Christ that is donated to us here and on which we rely.

Jesus' farewell speech, in John's Gospel, is full of love for the Father and for us and it offers the spirit of unity with our Lord.
Jesus' farewell speech gives us a distinct picture of praying to the Lord in the Upper Room. It gives us insight into the caring heart of our Lord, as we draw on the knowledge of His thought and spirit of prayer.
Jesus' farewell speech obliges us. We should take it to our heart and live the SPIRIT OF UNITY AND LOVE.
As with the example of Jesus when He washed the disciples' feet, we also dwell on Jesus' farewell speech as committed to the spirit of SERVICE. Each of our activities has long lived from the Spirit, as Jesus presented it to us, because there are no services that Jesus did not perform first. Christ says: “That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us“ (Jn. 17:21). Only in the UNITY OF LOVE may we achieve UNITY with Christ in God. Fruitful branches on the vine can be only if we are in the innermost associated with Him, in Him and through Him (cf. Jn. 15:1). “Apart from me you can do nothing.” (Jn. 15: 5)