“Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you,” greeted the Angel Gabriel Mary. Mary pondered what sort of greeting this might be. “You have found favor with God.” This we heard in the Gospel of 4th Sunday of Advent.
Greeting—any kind, as is: Hi; Good Morning; etc., we usually say when we meet other person. That is nice way how to show interest of others, even more when we ask them: “How are you?”

The Angel Gabriel greeted Mary saying: “Hail, full of grace!” This sort of greeting was not commonly used. It was the new and strange one. “What do you mean?” Mary could ask the Angel. Yet, Mary pondered what she heard. The one who is “full of grace” is “anxious about the things of the Lord” (cf. 1 Cor. 7,34).
Greeting is a message—message of good or bad news. We like to hear mainly good news. Therefore, we have responsibility to bring good news.
How do I greet others? Is not my greeting just a phrase? Do I listen others what they answer to me? Or is it just a routine?
How do I respond greetings? Do I stop and think what shall I answer?

God sends messages also to you. This happens often through people, events, happenings, etc. It is up to you, if you listen carefully. You are also the one who is God’s messenger. You can bring others the message of joy, hope, love, faith, encouragement, and good news—Jesus—Who is the Center of the Christmas.
May the words of our Foundress, Blessed Alphonse Marie, encourage you on the way of looking for Jesus: “God comes in wonderful and sometimes most unexpected ways to souls who do the will of God. We should humbly listen to God who speaks to us in all advice and admonitions.“