When we were lost, Jesus came to give us the Way and taught us to be merciful as His Father is merciful. (Luke: 6:36) The ultimate act of God's Mercy was the Passion and Death Jesus endured to pay OUR debt for sin. From His pierced Heart on the Cross the Holy Catholic Church was born. Through the Sacraments of the Church we can easily receive His free gifts. In the Sacrament of Confession Jesus forgives us and strengthens us. His forgiveness cannot be exhausted, as Pope Francis teaches us, since we can avail ourselves of this Sacrament again and again. Even greater is “the gift of gifts” - Jesus Himself Truly Present in the Holy Eucharist. In this Sacrament Jesus desires to share Himself totally with each of us.
Throughout the whole history of the Church, Saints pointed out God’s mercy. We can read in the Letter of St. Paul that God is “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort” (2 Cor 1:3). Later, the Fathers of the Church thought us about God’s mercy. St. Ambrose stated that the Mercy makes men perfect, in that it imitates the perfect Father. Nothing graces the Christian soul so much as MERCY.
St. Augustine explained that God’s Mercy is not lacking to any of His works. He also wrote that Man, created in the image of God, becomes His son through the grace of Divine Mercy. This same Saint referred to the Holy Eucharist as the “Sacrament of Mercy.”
St. Bernard taught that God is not the Father of Judgment, but only the Father of Mercy, and punishment comes from ourselves.
Therefore Jesus said to St. Faustina, the Apostle of Divine Mercy, “Before I come as a Just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy”.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque was told by our Lord, that sinners shall find His Heart an ocean of mercy. Father Sopocko, the confessor of Sr. Faustina, said that devotion to the Divine Mercy is the logical consequence of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Even Venerable Mother Alphonse Marie, who was devoted to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, was led by Jesus to found the Congregation, which charism is to do the Works of mercy and venerate Divine Mercy. She was called by the Bishop Räss “The Instrument of God’s Mercy“ even 100 years before Jesus appeared His Mercy to St. Faustina.
The 20th century brought us full revelation of God’s Mercy. St. Faustina, obedient to Jesus’ revelation left us a precious gift of God’s love – Divine Mercy. She wrote:
“Write that I am more generous toward sinners than the just. It was for their sake that I came down from heaven; it was for their sake that my Blood was spilled. Let them not fear to approach Me; they are in most need of my mercy” (Notebook IV, item 1275).
“Chosen souls who do not have My spirit, who live according to the letter [cf. 2 Cor 3:6] and have placed the letter above My spirit, above the spirit of love. I have founded my whole law on love, and yet I do not see love, even in religious orders. This is why sadness fills my heart” (Notebook IV, item 1478).
“Let the greatest sinners place their trust in my mercy. They have the right before others to trust in the abyss of My mercy.” (Notebook III, item 1146).
Popes of the last two centuries felt that our world needs to know and feel God’s mercy. The Saint John XXIII wanted to bring the balm of mercy, the love of God and opened the Second Vatican Council. Blessed Paul VI wrote that “Now, of course, we suffer the consequences of original sin, and so many families struggle. God's grace awaits us in the sacraments to strengthen us and heal our wounded hearts.” Jesus‘ heart was pierced and from this heart God’s Mercy pours to us. St. John Paul II established the Feast of the Divine Mercy.

God is merciful even though we are sinners. Go and confess your sins and receive Jesus, Divine Mercy, in the Blessed Eucharist. He waits for you! Trust in Him. Jesus, I trust in You!