In this Advent Season we shall, once again, experience the closeness of the One who created the world, who guides history and who cares for us to the point of deigning to become a man. This great and fascinating mystery of the God-with-us, indeed, of the God who becomes one of us, is what we shall celebrate in the coming weeks journeying towards holy Christmas. We will feel the Church taking us by the hand and like Mary experience the joyful expectation of the coming of Jesus, who embraces us all in his love which saves and consoles.
Did you already make a resolution for Advent or are you hesitating about what to do? There is an example of how to journey through Advent.
One of our Sisters prepares for Christmas following way:
Advent is already a few days old and I am trying to be faithful in keeping my good resolution—my gifts in preparation for Jesus’ Birthday. The day that Jesus was born—Christmas—is truly a day to be celebrated. On that day God revealed how far He was willing to go with the love He has in His heart for each of us.
I remember something we did one Advent when I was a child in school. We each were to get a little box to serve as a manger. Then, we were to make straw using very thin strips of yellow paper. Each time we practiced our resolution we could put a piece of straw in our manger. The goal … a soft bed of good deeds for Jesus by December 24.
Now, many years later, I want to use that simple practice again. Something in me likes to see the acts of love that I am “collecting” to give God. This time I am using small paper hearts instead of straw, hearts of different colors being gathered day by day in anticipation of Christmas Eve.

Our Foundress, Venerable Mother Alphonse Marie, gives us advice on the journey through Advent: “The best way to prepare ourselves for Christmas is to place ourselves before God as a child.”
Now is your turn to think and get ready for Christmas.