All of us met at noon and shared together dinner. At 2:00 PM we gathered in the Chapel to celebrate Holy Mass.
“Turn your eyes, O God, our shield; and look on the face of your [chosen] anointed one; one day within your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.” (cf. Ps 84:10-11)
With these words of Entrance Antiphon on our lips, after the organ Prelude “Sweet Hour of Prayer” the choir sang two songs “Be With Us Now, O Lord” and “Beautiful Savior”, we began to celebrate the Eucharistic Liturgy. These two Sisters were chosen by God and anointed with grace to be a Religious for 70 years. And “one day”—Sunday, August 14, 2016—we were with these two Sisters in God’s court—in the Chapel of the Motherhouse of the SDR Sisters. We felt that at this moment it is better than a thousand elsewhere.
After the renewal of vows three Sisters sang the hymn “Veni Sponsa Christi” which means “Come Spouse of Christ”. As a Communion meditation Sister Geraldine’s grandniece, J. C. Gulenko, sang Shubert’s “Ave Maria”.
At the Offertory as a symbol of Consecrated Life and the three Vows, gifts were presented and brought in procession:

Holy Rule Book
Three Roses (symbol of the three Vows)
Water and Wine
The Ciborium containing the Hosts
Thanks be to God for these graces. Thanks, also, for the main celebrant Reverend V. P. Velas and concelebrants, Right Reverend L. Reilly, OSB, Reverend D. J. Bonnar, STB, homilist, Reverend E. Litavec and Reverend T. M. Kirby.
The Jubilarians remember with prayerful gratitude:
Their Parents and Family
Their Relatives and Friends
Their Religious Community
All whom they have served
All with whom they have served
The Priests and Sisters and Deacons
And all who have been and are a part of their lives.
With grateful hearts we acknowledge:
Choir Members
C. Gioia, music ministry
C. Cafasso, music ministry, director
Sisters of the Divine Redeemer and all who have helped to make this such a special day.