How did an "angel" help you out in your own life? Our Associates shared with us their experinces at the meeting. It was nice to hear stories when "angel appeared" to them. The stories of joy, peace, trust, encouragement, strength, ... The real "angel" appeared also at our community room and brought us the Thought od our Foundress, Mother Alphonse Marie which is a strenght for us for the days to come.
"The angels in Scripture are real, and they have a real responsibiliites assigned to the by God," started the prayer service in our Chapel.
There were mentioned three angel-visitors in the New Testament:
1. An Angel Visits Young Mary (Luke 1)
One day an angel named Gabriel visited Mary and told her that she was highly favored by God. The angel then reveals the awsome news that God wants to become one of us--to redeem us from our sins--and that God is inviting Mary to be Hid Mother. With Mary's "yes" a miracle takes place: God enters our world as one of us. Our REDEMPTION STORY begins!
Then we listened "The Magnificat", in which Mary praises God for His greatness, and goodness, and for the great privilage that has been given to her.
2. An Angel Visits the Shepherds in Bethlehem (Luke 2)
On the first Christmas Eve some shepherds were surprised by a heavenly visitor. At first there was just one angel, who announced the good news that ... "This day a Saviour has been born to you." The angel was then joined by other angels who proclamed, "Glory to God and Peace on Earth to those on whom His favor rests."
Then we listened a relatively recent hymn, "Mary, Did You Know?"
3. An Angel Visits Joseph (Mattew 1)
One night an angel visited Joseph, who had just discovered the shocking news that his fiancee, Mary, was already pregnant. The angel reassures Joseph: "Have no fear about taking Mary as your wife. It is by the HOly Spirit that she has conceived this child ... He will save His people from their sins."
Then we sang a beautiful hymn about Joseph, the "earthly father" of Jesus, "The Hands That First Held Mary's Child" composed by Thomas H. Troeger.
"We do not know all there is to know about angels", was the closing thought of the prayer service. "They remain, in some ways, a mystery and we look forward to seeing them in heaven." We thanked the ANGELS for their part in the story of our Redemption.
Our Gardian Angels are a gift from God. They are sent to guide us ... to comfort us ... etc. We thanked them with the Prayer to Our Gardian Angel.
Have you given your Guardian Angel a name?