Feast of the Divine Redeemer 2016

With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

October 23th, is a Titular Feast of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer. There were three days which the Sisters spent for the spiritual preparation for this Feast.

On Thursday, October 20, 2016, Sisters gathered to recite common rosary with meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries with Venerable Mother Alphonse Marie [MAM].

➢ MAM was called to follow Jesus through His Passion
➢ MAM brought light of God’s love to people through Jesus’ Passion
➢ MAM showed us by her life that Jesus, Who, by His submission on the Cross, granted us mercy and Redemption
➢ MAM encourages us, in trust and always, to express all worries, needs and suffering of ours and the whole world to Jesus Christ
➢ MAM asks us to trust Jesus, our Divine Redeemer, Who converts all pain and events of our lives.

On Friday, October 21st, the Sisters gathered to pray the Station of the Cross focusing on the mystery of Redemption and recommendation of MAM about suffering, passion and death of Jesus Christ, our Divine Redeemer.

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world. By these words we glorified God before each station, for His redemption and mercy. We asked God to grant us grace to be like our Divine Redeemer, to accept our weakness and failures, rejoice in the suffering that accompanies us in carrying out our daily tasks and to be willing to help and stand by those in need.

The third day for spiritual preparation, Saturday October 22nd, we spent time with Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar. The meeting with Christ, our Redeemer, especially in the mystery of faith, incarnation, suffering, resurrection and the Eucharist are a center of the spirituality of Venerable Mother Alphonse Marie. Meditation, prayer, silence, and Taize chants led us to understand the mystery of Redemption even better.

We asked God to be willing to always “bring to the people God’s love, hope and joy with courage and confidence as MAM expressed it”.

Strengthened spiritually we celebrated the Feastday of the Divine Redeemer on Sunday, October 23rd, by Solemn Holy Mass, common and private prayer, good meal and other activities. May our Divine Redeemer help us step out with more confidence and hope for a future life in the gift of the Resurrection.

Almighty and Eternal God, You gave as Your Only-Begotten Son as Redeemer of the world. Give us the grace to consciously join in the great mission of revealing Christ to the world, helping each person to find himself in Christ, and helping the contemporary generations of our brothers and sisters, the peoples, nations, and mankind, to get to know the endless love of our Divine Redeemer.
We Remember
Merciful Jesus, grant them eternal rest.
10Sister M. Charitas Sebo 1998
14Sister M. Alferia Szabo 1967
14Sister M. Benigna Kulcsar 1982
14Sister M. Louise Paul 2005
16Sister M. Floriella Lang 2010
17Sister M. Immaculata Beres 1982
22Sister M. Gemma Szilagyi 2003
23Sister M. Conrada Nagy 2004
24Sister M. Gallertine Lang 1999
26Sister M. Christine Kiss 1992

Mass Schedule:
7:30 AMMonday:
7:30 AMTuesday:
7:30 AMWednesday:
7:30 AMThursday:
7:30 AMFriday:
8:00 AMSaturday:
8:00 AMSunday:
8:00 AMHolidays:
Holy Hour - Adoration:
Thursday before First Friday: 7:00 - 8:00 PM