On Sunday, August 25, 2024 the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer, their employees, volunteers, benefactors, and friends celebrated together with the Redeemer Sisters, Bishop Waltersheid, Priests, Deacon, and altar servers, the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Divine Redeemer.

Most Reverend William J. Waltersheid, Auxiliary Bishop of the Pittsburgh Diocese was the principal celebrant of the Thanksgiving Holy Mass at 11 a.m. The luncheon followed by Power-point presentation about the Foundress of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer, Blessed Alphonse Marie, her charisma and the charisma of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer and their Associates.

Here are some expressions about the celebration:

The Celebration was full of joy, gratitude for God's Grace, Love, Gifts and influence for 175 years of the founding of the Congregation of The Sisters of the Divine Redeemer.

We THANK to God for:
 Our Foundress, Blessed Alphonse Marie, that she heard God´s voice and with courage established a      new Congregation.
 All the Sisters, living and deceased who have followed her exemplar and fulfilled the mission of      “Redemptive love” for the spiritually and physically poor.
 All priests, living and deceased, who which touched our lives and guided us on our spiritual journey.    They brought us closer to God and to our Heavenly Home. Our Foundress had a great for priests, because she saw Christ in them.
 Also, we give thanks for all our lay people who are with us now and in our past. We need each other, in    the service of God's kingdom, in the continuation of our charism and mission.

The chapel was filled with the resounding voices of people like years ago when it was filled with the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer. During the Holy Mass, Bishop William Waltersheid, priests and deacon, Sisters and laity, drew strength and confidence from the Eucharist, in the same way as our Foundress
Alphonse Marie trusted in God and filled her soul. The offertory gifts that symbolized the life of the Sisters and Congregation, were presented by the Sisters, employees, volunteers, benefactors, people who attend mass in our Chapel greatly touched all who were present, it was a powerful experience.

Our Holy Father, Pope Francis ones said, “The future is in cooperation with the laity”. During this celebration we felt that we were fulfilling this message with friendliness and heartfelt conversation as we enjoyed the tasty lunch. Following the luncheon, Sr. Viannea's Power-Point presentation about the charism and Congregation described Blessed Alphonse Marie and the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer.
We are Grateful for all the physical or spiritual help we received in the preparation for or during this celebration to the Sisters, our Chaplain Fr. Edwin Wichman and friends.
With Grateful hearts and united in prayer,
                                                                                  Sr. Alojziana Spišáková, Regional Superior

The celebration of the 175th Anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer on August 25, 2024 wA  beautiful mosaic in the sister's chapel on Rock Run Road in Elizabeth Township, Pennsylvania. Young and old, single and married, religious and clergy gathered together in worhip as Bishop William Waltersheid presided at our Eucharistic Liturgy. God's Holy Spirit was evident as we united in prayer, song and worship and were inspired by the homily of the Bishop as he recalled the many marvelous works and sacrifices of hundreds of Sisters both here in the United States and abroad. We are grateful for their presence and pray that their many good deeds wil continue now and in the future.
                                                                                   Father Ed Wichman (Chaplain)

The Mass was so uplifting and the presentation of the gifts brought tears to my eyes with the prayer hands.

A blessed and praise-filled celebration honored the 175 founding of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer on Sunday, August 25, 2024.
Three high-lights characterized the day. 
  1. First was the beautiful and heartfelt celebration of the Holy Mass with Bishop Waltersheid, concelebrated with 5 Priests, Deacon, and altar serverse. The Holy Uecharist was a focal point in the Bishop's homily ... the Eucharist pilgrimage ... the Eucharist as a source of strength for MAM-Sisters ... the clear, light voices of the "Panis Angelicus" ... and receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. Our hearts were overflowing with love and gratitude.
  2. The second highlight was the light luncheon and wonderful sharing in friendship, the murmur of heappy voices, and the gentle laughter. It was truly another Eucharist.
  3. The third highligh was an inspiring Power-Point presentation by Sr. Viannea about the Congregation and its charism of "Redemptive Love".
We, the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer have been blessed and we prayerfully support the continuing of our charism on the "Rock of the Redeemer" mission.

I was deeply honored to be a part of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer's 175th Anniversary of their founding. It was wonderful to experience the deep friendship and love that all who attended gave to the Sisters.

The celebration was wonderful. I'am so glad I was invited. I especially loved Sr. James carrying the wheat. She looked full of life. And I was happy to see and hear Sr. Geraldine included in the singing. Of course, the food was delicious!
Thanks again for the invitation. And congratulations!
                                                                                   Marlene (Volunteer)  

What I liked about our 175th Anniversary of our Mother Alphonse Marie who began the Community of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer.
  1. I liked the celebration of the Holy Mass with Bishop Waltersheid who gave a beautiful homily.
  2. I enjoyed the many friends who joined us for this celebration of the Holy Mass and enjoyed their company for a delicious meal. 
                                                                                   Sister Geraldine

How lovely were the Vestments of red - gold - and silver ... The procession ... A ceremonial treat! ... A unique - inspirational - sacred and spiritual event! ... Bishop Waltersheid's remarkable voice complimented by attending Preists, lent an air of jubilant awe to the celebration of the Mass ... How wonderful to have been invited ... So happy to have attended! 
Thank you dear Sisters, Father Wickman ... and, to all who contributed to the Days respectful festivities.
                                                                                    Tuesday's Volunteer

As our American Region is growing smaller and smaller, Sunday's 175th Anniversary was perhaps a last major event of this magnitude. It was a precious gathering of those who mean so much to us at this time ... and I just loved "The Magnificat" by our own Pittsburgh Diocesan's Father James Chepponis!
                                                                                      Sister Joanne  

By invitation, my wife and I attended the 175th anniversary celebratory Mass commemorating the founding of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer. It was nice to see so many in attendance as well as all the priests and deacons that assisted Most Rev. William Waltersheild. The bishop’s sermon was spot on as he highlighted the dedication of the sisters to serving God and their community.
I must not forget to mention the angelic singing of the sisters that always adds a nice touch to the service. It was especially moving when various gifts were presented at the offertory honoring all those who contributed in some way in service to the convent. I cannot end without mentioning the amazing hospitality of the sisters for the delicious luncheon that was provided for all in attendance. It was a very special day, and I was glad to be a part of it.
                                                                                      Bob Ference

On Sunday, August 25, 2024 at the Eucharistic Liturgy, it was awsome to have people and backgrounds gather in unity and joyful spirit to pray, sing, and worship and then receive our Lord. We all know that the Mass is the same ... that the prayers are the same ... from wherever we come and celebrate with us. Jesus prayed ... that we all may be one.
                                                                                      Sister Bernard 

I liked on Sunday's celebration:
  1. In the cermon most Reverend Bishop Wiliam Walterheid spoke about Jesus, the Bread of Life who came down from Heaven
  2. Happiness of peple present at Holy Mass for the 175th Anniversary
  3. It was nice the presence of the Bishop, 5 Priests, Deacon, and 3 Alter Servers at the celebration

Saint of the Day
We Remember
Merciful Jesus, grant them eternal rest.
3Sister M. Celine Rachwal 2020
5Sister M. Ignatius Szucs 1981
8Sister M. Margaret Gall 2003
8Sister M. Roberta Swarczkopf 2003
12Sister M. Thecla Poromb 2007
14Sister Mary Ann Dujanovic 2022
16Sister M. Adriene Rachwal 1990

Mass Schedule:
7:30 AMMonday:
7:30 AMTuesday:
7:30 AMWednesday:
7:30 AMThursday:
7:30 AMFriday:
8:00 AMSaturday:
8:00 AMSunday:
8:00 AMHolidays:
Holy Hour - Adoration:
Thursday before First Friday: 7:00 - 8:00 PM